A LETTER TO LOU REED ( please deliver my message to Mr. Reed ! )
(too old to reply)
2006-02-26 18:55:12 UTC
Dear Mr. Reed,

My name is Fabio Del Toro. I am the president of the Circolo di Cultura
Musicale "Sing Sing", a non-profit organization which aims to develop
and divulge musical awareness and culture in Siena and Arezzo ( Italy

I do not know if you are aware of the fact that you and other artists
are currently suing me, and the association that I represent, for
$1.000.000. This matter has been going on since April 2000.

I cannot believe that an artist like you can be opposed to what we are
doing and I have the feeling that our organization might have been
misrepresented to you.

I am politely asking you to read this letter in order to give you a
closer look to the matter and draw your own conclusions. I of course
know that you are a very busy person, but I believe that you also know
the importance of music and the positive influence it has.

I will try to explain in a few lines what we do and who we are:

I presume that you are familiar with the Public Library system of New
York. We function in a similar way. We have members, who in return of
an annual membership fee and other voluntary contributions, have access
to a variety of music and other multimedia, which encompasses
mainstream and less known artists. They can listen to the music in the
Circolo's premises or take it home, listen to it and return it. We
are not a for-profit business who follows a "Blockbuster" model.

We do not understand why you, other artists, and record companies have
the impression that we are big criminals who are causing immense
damages to artists and record companies. Our mission is to give access
to music to everyone in a country where access to music has become a
privilege for the few who can afford it.

Since you are touring Italy, the association I represent and I would
like to have a chance to hear from you or, even better, meet you in an
informal way to show what we really are doing. Should your schedule
allow it, Mr. Reed, you are warmly invited to visit us and can judge by
yourself if what we are doing deserves to be "punished" or if it is
a legitimate way to give access to music to the people. Knowing the
artist you are, and the cultural background you have, we are confident
that you will not ignore us.

We want to assure you, that we by no means want to include a possible
contact with you in the ongoing legal dispute. We are a little
association with little means and have a giant adversary ready to crush
us. Our only hope is a little humanity, talking to the artists and
asking them if it is really their intent to fight us, or if it is a
battle started by the record companies without their knowledge. The
right to see our accusers or a way to contact them has been denied to
us in court. I don't want to bother you with all the details, unless
are interested in this matter. I will gladly provide further details,
like a copy your power of attorney, to prove that this is not a
stratagem of a fan or deranged person to meet you.

Thank you for your attention, Mr. Reed. I hope that we will have a
chance to talk or meet.

Yours truly,

Fabio Del Toro

More info:

2006-02-26 23:05:52 UTC
Post by singsing
Dear Mr. Reed,
My name is Fabio Del Toro. I am the president of the Circolo di Cultura
Musicale "Sing Sing", a non-profit organization which aims to develop
and divulge musical awareness and culture in Siena and Arezzo ( Italy
I do not know if you are aware of the fact that you and other artists
are currently suing me, and the association that I represent, for
$1.000.000. This matter has been going on since April 2000.
I cannot believe that an artist like you can be opposed to what we are
doing and I have the feeling that our organization might have been
misrepresented to you.
I am politely asking you to read this letter in order to give you a
closer look to the matter and draw your own conclusions. I of course
know that you are a very busy person, but I believe that you also know
the importance of music and the positive influence it has.
I presume that you are familiar with the Public Library system of New
York. We function in a similar way. We have members, who in return of
an annual membership fee and other voluntary contributions, have access
to a variety of music and other multimedia, which encompasses
mainstream and less known artists. They can listen to the music in the
Circolo's premises or take it home, listen to it and return it. We
are not a for-profit business who follows a "Blockbuster" model.
We do not understand why you, other artists, and record companies have
the impression that we are big criminals who are causing immense
damages to artists and record companies. Our mission is to give access
to music to everyone in a country where access to music has become a
privilege for the few who can afford it.
Since you are touring Italy, the association I represent and I would
like to have a chance to hear from you or, even better, meet you in an
informal way to show what we really are doing. Should your schedule
allow it, Mr. Reed, you are warmly invited to visit us and can judge by
yourself if what we are doing deserves to be "punished" or if it is
a legitimate way to give access to music to the people. Knowing the
artist you are, and the cultural background you have, we are confident
that you will not ignore us.
We want to assure you, that we by no means want to include a possible
contact with you in the ongoing legal dispute. We are a little
association with little means and have a giant adversary ready to crush
us. Our only hope is a little humanity, talking to the artists and
asking them if it is really their intent to fight us, or if it is a
battle started by the record companies without their knowledge. The
right to see our accusers or a way to contact them has been denied to
us in court. I don't want to bother you with all the details, unless
are interested in this matter. I will gladly provide further details,
like a copy your power of attorney, to prove that this is not a
stratagem of a fan or deranged person to meet you.
Thank you for your attention, Mr. Reed. I hope that we will have a
chance to talk or meet.
Yours truly,
Fabio Del Toro
Oh sure... and why shouldn't Lou get paid for his work in Italy. It's
a wealthy EU country isn't it.

<>The Legal Eagle<>
2006-03-04 01:49:14 UTC
You just do NOT get the point,
I'm talking about 5 years AGO when all this start with this papers:
http://www.culturale.it/html/reed/procure/index.htm and is NOT about
his work here and now!
2006-03-04 17:57:15 UTC
Hey Mr. The Legal Eagle!

Do you understand what you read? As in: read carefully, word by word,
understand it & think about it?
Did you read about the concept of "public library" and no-profit?
Let me tell you a few things about Europe, more specifically Italy:

1. In our country we pay a lot of rights any time we buy a CD, DVD, go
to a movie etc. to an institution called SIAE who then pays the
artists ... more than you do in the US.
2. CDs cost a lot more here (read more profit for the record

I guess you did not know it!

Maybe you are just one of those pompous right radical asses, narrow
minded, big corporate brown nose american suckers who hate everyone
and everything different. Another beholder of the absolute truth (your
name says it all), not giving a damn about other cultures and opinions,
not knowing jack about them but spitting out salomonic sentences.

Start reading newspapers and watching channel 13! Maybe there is hope.
2006-03-05 10:06:46 UTC
Post by eccogodot
Hey Mr. The Legal Eagle!
Do you understand what you read? As in: read carefully, word by word,
understand it & think about it?
Did you read about the concept of "public library" and no-profit?
1. In our country we pay a lot of rights any time we buy a CD, DVD, go
to a movie etc. to an institution called SIAE who then pays the
artists ... more than you do in the US.
2. CDs cost a lot more here (read more profit for the record
I guess you did not know it!
Maybe you are just one of those pompous right radical asses, narrow
minded, big corporate brown nose american suckers who hate everyone
and everything different. Another beholder of the absolute truth (your
name says it all), not giving a damn about other cultures and opinions,
not knowing jack about them but spitting out salomonic sentences.
Start reading newspapers and watching channel 13! Maybe there is hope.
Think again.

I'm European. CD's cost a fortune here. I can borrow CDs from a public
library. I work for a non-profit organization.

2006-03-06 07:01:43 UTC
Can I recieve more INFO about your post :
1) european place ( England, France, ...?
2) How daseIT work ( details on the way you borrow the CD...)


2006-03-06 23:30:20 UTC
Sometime around 5 Mar 2006 23:01:43 -0800, "singsing"
Post by singsing
1) european place ( England, France, ...?
2) How daseIT work ( details on the way you borrow the CD...)
1) England

2) A small fee 50p - £1 to borrow a CD from a public library. See
these links.



The library pays a licence fee to allow users to borrow. It's funded
from public money. Good system.

Look, I wish you luck in your case, the amount of money they are
asking is crazy. But the artist should also get paid. That's all.


