Lou Reed vs. the other Velvets
(too old to reply)
2005-04-01 17:07:30 UTC
I was reading in the Bockris book about the problems they had during
the reunion. Has Lou ever worked with John Cale or Maureen since then?

I was letdown by the live video. Lou really butchered many of the
2005-04-01 17:15:07 UTC
Lou Reed jumped the shark back in 1982. Sure, you can still see him
wandering around New York these days, but his body has been taken over
by a screaming, doddering old woman.
Richard Fangnail
2005-04-01 17:42:49 UTC
I thought his music went downhill around 1989. Songs for Drella was
good but mostly because I'm sentimental about the subject.

In Vicktor Bockris's biography, Lou comes across as a real jerk during
the reunion which is why it never made it over to the US.
2005-04-01 17:57:04 UTC
Well, I saw him perform back in 1972. He was a crazy, wildly talented,
bisexual LEATHER DADDY, complete with the boyfriend and S&M regalia.
Fast forward a few years and he's a heterosexual Proust who spends most
of his time arguing with the Koreans at the corner grocery about the
price of kiwi fruit.

If that won't make a fan bitter, nothing will.
2005-04-01 19:54:04 UTC
Post by p***@quentincrisp.com
Lou Reed jumped the shark back in 1982. Sure, you can still see him
wandering around New York these days, but his body has been taken over
by a screaming, doddering old woman.
I believe he more precisely resembles the Bizarro World version of Sigourney
Weaver in leather.
