Well I didn't find "Little Jack", but I did find Doug Yule's "Sweet
Caroline" and "Dopey Joe":
"Sweet Caroline":
"Dopey Joe":
"...I think it is time to extend the debate to the masses on another
album that many people are unable to listen to: The Velvet
Underground's "Squeeze." Squeeze is the infamous "last" Velvet
Underground album, released after all original members save for Doug
Yule had gone their separate ways. It is long out of print, and was
available only on vinyl, copies of which sell for around 40 to 60
dollars on ebay. This super rare status of the album by one of the most
name-droppable bands of all time makes me positive that there is at
least one person out there who have assumed the contratian position
that Squeeze is the Velvet Underground's greatest work..."
"...If there are indeed people out there who believe this, it should be
noted right off the bat that they are wrong. However, I feel like the
album is not an outright disgrace. Towards the end of the Velvet
Undergrounds career, their sound shifted immensely as members other
than Lou Reed or John Cale got involved. I think this is a good thing,
as the world needs more "Sweet Janes" and "Rock and Rolls" and less
"The Gifts." The album Loaded features several prominent songs where
Doug Yule sings, and much of Squeeze sounds like it could have come
from the same sessions that produced Loaded's "Lonesome Cowboy Bill" or
"New Age."
"...So Yule obviously had the "generic late era Velvet Undergound"
sound thing down, all the way to the backing Lou Reed style vocals on
songs like "Caroline" and "Friends." But if you look at the credits for
Loaded, the wrting is still all Lou Reed, (he shares credit on only one
song.) Yule could write a catchy sounding tune, but songs such as the
Rock and Roll/Sweet Jane sequel creatively titled "Jack & Jane" and the
idiocy of "Dopey Joe" demonstrate his struggles with lyrics. Taken as a
whole album, the mediocrity of the album can be a bit underwhelming,
but if these songs had been included on the Peel Slowly and See box
set, or the deluxe edition of Loaded, I bet that few people would be
able to identify them as outliers..."
"...But I think that the debate deserves to be a bit more widespread
than just what I think. Last.fm statistics show that between 60 and 120
people have listened to the songs from Squeeze. Compare that to the
more than 20,000 people who have listened to other VU songs such as
"Heroin," "I'm Waiting For The Man" or even "Sunday Morning." That's
why I have put this zip file of the MP3s from Squeeze up on the site. I
believe they are a vinyl rip, but the quality is acceptable, and I
don't believe that you'll be able to find a better digital copy. So
download, take a listen to what Doug Yule hath wrought and once you've
heard for yourself, head on down to the record store and tell that
ultra-hip clerk that you're finally calling his bullshit."
Posted by Conor on March 13, 2006 01:42 PM
Post by The Space BossLittle Jack, from the obscure Velvet Underground LP, "Squeeze" is one
of my favorite VU tunes.
I believe the song is autobiographical: I think "Little Jack" is Doug
Yule as a child, and "Susie" was his mother. "Little old Jack, best
stay back, Susie keep away!!" - I believe this was saying that nobody
wanted anything to do with him due to his "dirty hands and feet", and
no one wanted anything to do with Susie, because of her "baggage"
What do you think?
Maybe "Little Jack" is out there somewhere, as well...
"Ozone Stigmata" by Will Dockery
The Ride (Combat Zone) by Shadowville All-Stars
Video by Janis Petersen: