Post by Sammy LavishMy Lou Reed question is "Did he go straight?" I know he's with Lurie
Anderson but I recall reading in Time Magazine a long time ago that he was
living with a male lover.
During his Transformer days, I think Lou was involved with Bowie
and/or Iggy.
At another stage in his life Lou was involved with Rachel, whom Lester
Bangs described as follows:
"At first glance I thought it was some big dark swarthy European woman
with long rank thick hair falling about her shoulders. Then I noticed
that it had a beard, and I figured, well, cool, the bearded lady, with
Lou Reed, that fits. But now I was up closer and it was almost
unmistakenly a guy. Except that behind its see-thru blouse, it seemed
to have tits. ... At one point I yelled at Lou, 'Fuck you, I ain't
gonna talk to _you_, I'm gonna interview _her!_'
'She's a he,' Lou said, 'and you ain't int'rv'wing 'm, man.'"